“When I was diagnosed with colon cancer, I didn’t want chemotherapy and opted for surgery. Knowing the risk of surgery for an 89-year-old, I informed my son and he advised me to go through Hartland’s program in order to boost my immune system before the surgery. I was ready to be completely cleaned out and to get back onto something healthier so that I could go through the surgery normally and avoid chemo. The team at Hartland put together a customized program to help me achieve my goals. The regimen included daily charcoal poultices, castor oil packs, and especially adapted exercises. I think probably the best therapy for me has been the fever baths. I was seeing the results of toxins being removed. They do drain you to the point that you are tired a lot, but I feel that is just part of healing. When you are losing toxins from the body, you’re going to be tired. Although I had a pretty good diet, I decided that I was going to become a vegan when I got home. I highly recommend the 12-day Intensive Cancer Care Program™. You would not only enjoy it, but you would learn so much and go home with more than what you came for.”
This experience can be yours today. Give us a call to see how we can work together in overcoming cancer.

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