Fractionated Nutrients vs Whole Foods
Consider the betaine in foods like spinach, beets, whole wheat, whole sugar cane, and seafood.
Nature’s Miracles
Consider the betaine in foods like spinach, beets, whole wheat, whole sugar cane, and seafood.
Deficiency vs Imbalance
Studies consistently show that whole foods help prevent or control chronic degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease.
The Synergy in Fruits
According to research, the more fruit a teenage girl eats, the stronger her bones become. In a study on bone density, the girls who ate the most fruit had higher bone mineral densities, an indicator of bone strength.
The Synergy in Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, and turnips) contain indoles, isothiocyanates, glucosinolates…
Ten Lifestyle Practices that Can Prevent Cancer!
Maintain your ideal body weight. Cancers of the uterus, gallbladder, kidney, stomach, breast, and colon have been associated with obesity…
How Not to Get Cancer and What to Do If You Do Get It!
Cancer is the result of the simultaneous action of at least three factors a virus, an injurious agent and a native weakness.
Prostate—The Walnut Gland
For most young men, the prostate gland does nothing more than require a doctor to perform a somewhat uncomfortable examination during a routine physical. Otherwise it rates little thought … too little.
Natural Wonders
How nature helps to remove our stress and strengthen our immune system
When I was diagnosed with colon cancer, I didn’t want chemotherapy and opted for surgery. Knowing the risk of surgery for an 89-year-old, I informed my son and he advised me to go through Hartland’s program…